ডেস্ক নিউজ
প্রকাশিত: ০৩/০২/২০২৫ ১০:৪৩ এএম

Pharmacy Storekeeper


  • Vacancy: 1
  • Location: Cox’s Bazar (Ukhia)
  • Minimum Salary: Tk. 47500 (Monthly)
  • Published: 30 Jan 2025


Additional Requirements

Education and other qualifications:

Essential: C grade pharmacist certificate

Desirable: Diploma in Pharmacy


Essential previous experience of at least 1 year in pharmacy or warehouse management.

Desirable previous experience in MSF or other NGOs in developing countries


Bangla essential and English desirable.


Essential computer literacy (MS Word, Excel and internet)

keeping conditions, it includes:

e.g. Monitoring temperature in the warehouse and ensuring that products requiring cold chain are suitably stored and transports received, stored, and prepared and transported appropriately according to MSF Supply and Cold Chain protocols.

Ensuring cleanliness of premises (stock pharmacy, preparation table) and in close collaboration with the logistics department, maintaining refrigerating equipment.

Controlling warehouse-limited access to authorized personnel and ensuring doors and other exits are secured.

Ensuring that items to be quarantined (on-going quality alerts) or to be placed in quarantine zone (batch recalls, expired or damaged items) are removed from the stock and safely locked.

Following up stock levels with regards to alarms thresholds, stock out, expiry dates and drugs to expire in the following 6 months. Preparing reports and passing it to the supervisor.

Context-Specific Accountabilities:

Preparing passive cold chain for the unit.

Assist in the transportation and supply of Hepatitis C medication, including accountability for the HepC project.

Ensure timely daily, weekly, and monthly supplies for the HepC project and other projects.

Participate in all types of reception activities (International Medical Order, Local Purchase, donations, returns, expired medicine).

Actively help with the loading and unloading of goods during receptions and supplies.

Compensation & Other Benefits

This is a temporary position for HEP-C project.

Initial contract would be for eighteen (18) months.

Salary per month according to level four (4) of the internal MSF salary grid (BDT 47,500/- gross). Salary is not negotiable.

2 annual leave days per month worked.

Medical insurance for employee and direct dependents based on Health Care Policy


Work at office

Employment Status

Full Time

Job Location

Cox’s Bazar (Ukhia)

Read Before Apply

Only online applications via the link below will be accepted. Please apply through the following link by 09/02/2025 with updated resume, cover letter, and  other relevant documents i.e. NID, Experience Certificate, degree and training certificate:

Application Link:  https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/x/57WTfAnF

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